Recognizing Women in Grain Inspection: Erin (Hoesing) Stotz
/AAGIWA would like to recognize and highlight women in the grain inspection industry who are leading the way for others. Click here to submit your nomination.
We are pleased to introduce you to Erin (Hoesing) Stotz, Office Manager & CPA as well as Inspector for Aberdeen Grain Inspection, Inc. (AGI). Erin began her career as a 12 year old bagging sample files and completing other random tasks delegated to her by her father, Mike Hoesing (who was Official Agency Manager at the time, now Owner). She increased her contribution to part time data entry during high school and college before going full time in 2017.
Erin graduated Magna Cum Laude from Northern State University in 2011 with a Bachelors’ Degree in Professional Accountancy and Minors in Banking/Finance & Economics. After graduation she began working at the accounting firm Eide Bailly LLP and passed the CPA Exam. Erin then returned to the family business in April of 2017 and in addition to office duties, obtained her mycotoxin and corn grading licenses. As the current Office Manager, Erin is responsible for accounting, certification, billing, and HR.
Erin married Nicholas Stotz (current Operations Manager of AGI) on July 1, 2017. Erin is a busy mother of three (Kurtis 5, Zachary 3, and Eva 1) and often spends weekends entering pan tickets at home while trying to keep the kids relatively quiet and content.
Fun fact – In high school, Erin did a science project on maturing yellow soybeans (YSB). For the project, Erin picked pods off the plant and removed some of the beans from the pods and left the others in the pods for an additional week. The beans that were removed right away had high amounts of green (immature) damage. However, the beans removed from the pod a week after picking had finished maturing in the pod and had 0% damage. Many farmers showed interest in her science project because at the time they had repeated early killing frosts in September. Her project was also picked to represent her high school at a college science fair.
Erin’s hobbies include water skiing through which she has skied in regional and national tournaments with the Aberdeen Aqua Addicts Water Ski Team, reading, photographing her children and their goofy antics as well as hunting, fishing, and travelling with her family.