Recognizing Women in Grain Inspection - Angie Nelson
/AAGIWA would like to recognize and highlight women in the grain inspection industry who are leading the way for others. Click here to submit your nomination.
Angie Nelson, North Dakota Grain Inspection
We are pleased to introduce you to Angie Nelson, Quality Coordinator, North Dakota Grain Inspection and AdamsNet. Angie was originally hired as a data entry clerk for NDGI in 2014. She was promoted to data entry supervisor, and then began also helping with AdamsNet support. Her role now includes AdamsNet support and FGIS liaison for policies, internal audits and quality assurance.
According to Kia Mikesh, Vice President, NDGI, Angie has always excelled at everything she puts her mind to. "Her attention to detail in finding and understanding areas within FGIS policy is amazing," Kia says. Angie is a great asset to the NDGI team and truly cares about the official system. She shares that passion through her work within AdamsNet, and helping customers navigate through policies with various programs.
Congratulations Angie on all of your accomplishments! You are a wonderful example of focus and passion, and we are proud to have you as part of the grain inspection family.