Membership Eligibility
Official Agencies: Official agencies delegated and/or designated under authority of the United States Grain Standards Act shall be eligible for membership in the Association. Member agencies shall be represented in the Association by active members. No agency or entity engaged in the inspection and/or weighing of grain is entitled to use the name of this Association to lend credibility to any certificate or other document for the sale, purchase or transfer of grain.
Associate Members: Persons affiliated with such individuals, companies, organizations and institutions as approved by the Board of Directors. Association members shall be entitled to exercise all rights of membership except that of voting and holding office. Persons licensed under the United States Grain Standards Act may not be associate members.
Dues Structure
Dues are based on the inspections the previous year, as reported on FGIS 922 reports, with a maximum of $3,000.
Official Private Agencies:
Combined total of below, not to exceed $3,000.
Total Volume Number of Hoppers & Warehouse Lots @ $0.035 per unit
Total Volume Number of Submitted and Trucks @ $0.035 per unit
Total Volume Number of Official Commercial Inspections @ $0.035 per unit
Total Volume Number of Containers @ $0.035 per unit
Total Volume Number of Barges @ $0.47 per unit
Official State Agencies:
Total inspections @ $0.035 per inspection (not to exceed $3,000).
Associate Members:
Vol. Number 1,000 Hoppers & Warehouse Lots x $.035 per unit = $35.00
Vol. Number 500 Submitted and Trucks x $.035 per unit = $17.50
Vol. Number 1,000 Official Commercial Inspections x $.035 per unit = $30.00
Vol. Number 2,000 Barges @ $.47 per unit = $940.00
Total Dues = $1,022.50